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import LocalStorage from './LocalStorage.js';

'use strict';

 * Provides long or short term storage via node-localstorage or an in memory Map.
export default class MultiStorage
    * Gets the main key.
    * @returns {*}
   get mainKey() { return this._params.mainKey; }

    * Gets the serializer.
    * @returns {*}
   get serializer() { return this._params.serializer; }

    * Get storage type.
    * @returns {*}
   get storageType() { return this._params.storageType; }

    * Initializes MultiStorage. First parameter may be an optional object literal hash. When using an object hash
    * an additional parameter `filePath` may specify a file path for local storage. By default the `mainKey` is
    * used for the `filePath`.
    * @param {string}   mainKey - Main key to store items for this MultiStorage instance.
    * @param {boolean}  session - Boolean to indicate session (short term) storage; default is long term (localStorage).
    * @param {Object}   serializer - Instance that conforms to JSON serialization.
   constructor(mainKey = 'multistorage', session = false, serializer = JSON)
      if (typeof mainKey === 'object')
         const options = {};

         options.mainKey = mainKey.mainKey || 'multistorage';
         options.session = mainKey.session || false;
         options.serializer = mainKey.serializer;
         options.filePath = mainKey.filePath || `./${mainKey.mainKey}`;

         this._params =
            filePath: options.filePath,
            mainKey: options.mainKey,
            storageType: options.session ? 'sessionStorage' : 'localStorage',
            serializer: options.serializer,
            storage: session ? new InMemoryStorage() : new LocalStorage(options.filePath)
         this._params =
            filePath: `./${mainKey}`,
            storageType: session ? 'sessionStorage' : 'localStorage',
            storage: session ? new InMemoryStorage() : new LocalStorage(`./${mainKey}`)

      if (!s_STORAGE_AVAILABLE(this._params.storage))
         throw new Error(`Storage type '${this.storageType} not available.`);

    * Clears all entries associated with `mainKey`.
    * @returns {Promise.<boolean>}
      const storage = this._params.storage;
      return Promise.resolve(true);

    * Deletes entry filed under `key` in `mainKey` hash.
    * @param {string}   key - Key to delete.
    * @returns {Promise.<boolean>}
      const mainKey = this.mainKey;
      const serializer = this.serializer;
      const storage = this._params.storage;

      const storeJSON = storage.getItem(mainKey);
      if (typeof storeJSON === 'string')
         const store = serializer.parse(storeJSON);
         delete store[key];
         storage.setItem(mainKey, serializer.stringify(store));
      return Promise.resolve(true);

    * Returns the value associated with `key` in `mainKey` hash.
    * @param {string}   key - Key to retrieve a value for.
    * @returns {Promise.<undefined>}
      const mainKey = this.mainKey;
      const serializer = this.serializer;
      const storage = this._params.storage;

      let returnValue = undefined;

      const storeJSON = storage.getItem(mainKey);
      if (typeof storeJSON === 'string')
         const store = serializer.parse(storeJSON);
         returnValue = store[key];

      return Promise.resolve(returnValue);

    * Returns the entire JSON object stored by `mainKey`.
    * @returns {Promise.<undefined>}
      const mainKey = this.mainKey;
      const serializer = this.serializer;
      const storage = this._params.storage;

      let returnValue = undefined;

      const storeJSON = storage.getItem(mainKey);
      if (typeof storeJSON === 'string')
         returnValue = serializer.parse(storeJSON);

      return Promise.resolve(returnValue);

    * Sets a value by the give key in the `mainKey` hash.
    * @param {string}   key - Key for indexed storage.
    * @param {*}        value - Any valid value to serialize.
    * @returns {Promise.<boolean>}
   set(key, value)
      const mainKey = this.mainKey;
      const serializer = this.serializer;
      const storage = this._params.storage;

      const storeJSON = storage.getItem(mainKey);
      const store = typeof storeJSON === 'string' ? serializer.parse(storeJSON) : {};
      store[key] = value;

         const jsonObject = serializer.stringify(store);
         storage.setItem(mainKey, jsonObject);
         return Promise.resolve(true);
      catch (err)
         return Promise.resolve(false);

    * Sets an entire object to be serialized under `mainKey`.
    * @param {*}  store - entire object store.
    * @returns {Promise.<boolean>}
      const mainKey = this.mainKey;
      const serializer = this.serializer;
      const storage = this._params.storage;

         const jsonObject = serializer.stringify(store);
         storage.setItem(mainKey, jsonObject);
         return Promise.resolve(true);
      catch (err)
         return Promise.resolve(false);

 * Provides a session / in memory shim for storage on Node.
class InMemoryStorage
   constructor() { this._storage = new Map(); }
   clear() { this._storage.clear(); }
   getItem(key) { return this._storage.get(key); }
   removeItem(key) { this._storage.delete(key); }
   setItem(key, value) { this._storage.set(key, value); }

// Private internal methods -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Tests if the storage mechanism is available.
 * @param {Object}   storage - Storage instance.
 * @returns {boolean}
const s_STORAGE_AVAILABLE = (storage) =>
      const x = '__storage_test__';
      storage.setItem(x, x);
      return true;
      return false;